Cutting metal with plasma equipment on plant.
Worker operating industrial machine in metal workshop.
Worker operating industrial machine in metal workshop.

Welcome To
MLM calibration laboratory is operating in Al Khobar, equipped to carryout calibration and
testing of field instruments and devices of various clients in oil, gas, petrochemical and
power sector.
About MLM
Saudi Arabia is the largest hub for various companies such as Saudi Aramco, Sabic, SEC, SASREF, SADARA etc. specializing in the production of Oil and gas/petrochemical products.As
these oil/gas and petrochemical industries requires instruments for the measurement and control which needs periodic calibration, where we MLM carrying out calibration and testing for
those instruments.Our Company is a 100 Per Cent Saudi Owned company.We are approved under Saudi
Aramco as Calibration service provider.

Our Expertise
We are having most diverse calibration and repair laboratory equipped with highly accurate master
calibration instruments and tools.

Our Excellence

Contact Us
Metrology Laboratory for Measurement
Building No: 7908
King Khalid Road, Sinayiat Al Thuqba
Al Khobar -3462Kingdom of Saudi Arabia